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Student Protection Plan

Provider’s name: BARBRI Global Ltd (“BARBRI” or ”we” or “us”)

UKPRN: 10089892

Legal address: Thanet House, 231-232 Strand, London WC2R 1DA

Contact point for enquiries about this plan: Dawn Anderson, VP Operations for BARBRI Global Ltd,

Student Protection Plan for period 2022-2023

Introduction and Context

Introduction and Context

All training providers registered with the Office for Students (OfS) publish a Student Protection Plan providing its assessment of the risk to continuation of study of all of its students. These risks may include that the provider as a whole is no longer able to operate, that one or more of its delivery locations is no longer available or that it is unable to continue to provide courses in a particular subject area or delivery mode.

At BARBRI we value the commitment that students make to study with us and are committed to ensuring that our students can complete their studies with us.

This Student Protection Plan:

  • Considers what events may occur which may impact our students and their ability to complete their studies with us (a “Trigger Event”);
  • Details the measures that we have in place to minimise the effect of such Trigger Events and the risk that students cannot complete their studies with us;
  • Details the steps we will take to ensure our students are able to complete their studies on their chosen course (with minimal impact) should a Trigger Event occur.

This Student Protection Plan will be prominently published on our website for all students to view.

We recognise that disruptive events may have a different effect on students with different needs, characteristics and circumstances, for example students sharing particular protected characteristics (as defined in the Equality Act 2010).

BARBRI is a postgraduate education provider offering blended online and in person preparation for professional legal qualifications, and other practice focused legal training for the profession. BARBRI’s development is fully funded and guaranteed by its parent company, BARBRI Holdings, Inc. a legal education provider registered in Delaware, United States, established in 2011. BARBRI has been established in the U.S. providing preparation for the U.S. for over 50 years, has been providing preparation courses for the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) since 2017 and in 2020 launched preparation courses for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE).

BARBRI Global has significant financial support by virtue of a parent guarantee from BARBRI Holdings, Inc. BARBRI Global is not dependent on any other sources of investment.

Section 1: An assessment of the range of risks to the continuation of study for your students, how those risks may differ based on your students’ needs, characteristics and circumstances, and the likelihood that those risks will crystalize.

BARBRI has identified the following key areas of potential risk that relate to its provision of higher education courses to its students. BARBRI mitigates against these risks in the ways identified in Section 2 of this Plan.

  • The risk that we are unable to deliver our courses due to sustained events outside of our reasonable control, such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • All our courses are delivered predominantly online and to date our delivery has not been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We are well set up to deliver despite the potential risk of future National lockdowns as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. If we have committed to face-to-face delivery via one of our workshops and are unable to deliver that due to compliance with Government guidance, we would be able to, with the affected students’ consent, convert the mode of delivery of the face-to-face teaching to online delivery allowing the affected students to complete their course and achieve its learning outcomes.

BARBRI is planning to continue to further develop its IT systems, meaning BARBRI is well-placed to respond quickly and efficiently to the current demand for remote delivery

As a result, BARBRI considers the risk of students being unable to complete their studies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to be low.

  • The risk of not delivering an advertised course to applicants due to failing to recruit a viable cohort size for a specific intake.
  • As stated above, BARBRI courses are predominantly delivered online through our asynchronous, proprietary Learning Management System (LMS), which is designed to focus on individual progress so does not depend on high levels of student intake. We will continue to run a course with small student numbers and our courses are not constrained by there being a need for a minimum number of students to be enrolled on a course for its delivery to be viable from a cost perspective (in the way a provider delivering courses face-to-face may be). Our timetable of courses is carefully curated to be professional exam and practice focused and therefore already attracts high student numbers. To date we have never not delivered an advertised course due to insufficient student numbers. As such, we consider this risk to be low for BARBRI.
  • The risk of not being able to teach out students on a course as it is discontinuing. BARBRI will continuously improve and develop its portfolio of courses and may make strategic decisions to discontinue recruitment to specific courses (including where they are being discontinued by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) or substantially changed).

In such an eventuality BARBRI will ‘teach out’ any continuing students on their original course of study. ‘Teach out’ means we commit to ensuring you can complete the course of study you started with us, even though the course is being discontinued and we will not be taking on new student cohorts.

We are confident in our ability to ‘teach out’ because our online delivery model is cost effective and is financially backed by our own financial standing and our parent company, BARBRI Holdings, Inc. in the United States.

BARBRI has had 1547 (Qualified Lawyer Transfer Scheme) students from 2018-2022, the QLTS will be replaced by (Solicitors Qualifying Exam) in 2022. BARBRI prepared 500+ students for the first SQE1 in November 2021 and is currently preparing 730+ students for the SQE1 July 2022. BARBRI courses for UK qualifications accounted for £4.19m revenue in 2021, this will certainly grow with the in the coming years with the shift to SQE. This gives us and our students confidence that BARBRI has the finances and staff to deliver continuation of studies in any teach out.

Whilst we do not envisage this being the case, if for any reason we do not have the finances or personnel necessary to deliver a teach out: our teach out obligations are guaranteed by our parent company BARBRI Holdings, Inc which has committed to financing and delivering where necessary. The annual accounts for BARBRI Holdings, Inc. for 2020 show a total revenue of over $90m with an operating income of $37m. BARBRI Holdings, Inc. has made a significant surplus after tax for the last three years, with a net income of $11m in 2020 and $8m 2019. This gives us and our students confidence that BARBRI will receive any financial backing necessary to deliver on any teach out obligations.

As such, we consider the risk of BARBRI being unable to teach out students on a course being discontinued to be low.

  • The risk that we are unable to deliver our courses due to inability to attract adequate high quality tutors.
  • The risk that we are no longer able to deliver material components of our courses due to the unavailability of tutors is very low because all courses include significant content designed in advance from subject matter experts. Tutors will guide and support students through the materials and activities rather than deliver all content themselves. As such, any shortage in tutors does not materially risk delivery given BARBRI’s delivery model. Further, BARBRI has an established network of tutors and therefore BARBRI is easily able to scale teaching resources up or down as required. BARBRI has developed a faculty team of employed tutors and in addition accesses a pool of freelance tutors who regularly work for BARBRI in design and course delivery.

Our SQE1 Preparation Course is not heavily tutor dependent, whereas our SQE2 Preparation Course is more reliant on tutors. As students tend to progress from our SQE1 Preparation Course to our SQE2 Preparation Course, we are able to accurately forecast and resource staffing requirements for our SQE2 Preparation Course in advance.

The pay, benefits and conditions at BARBRI for tutors are on par with most higher education providers. We pay tutors a salary comparable to the third or fourth pay quartile within the sector, which ensures we always attract interest from high quality personnel in the profession. BARBRI has no issues with recruiting or retaining high quality tutors and in any event our SQE1 Preparatory Course is not heavily tutor dependent. As such, we consider the risk of BARBRI being unable to delivery courses due to inability to attract adequate high quality tutors to be low.

  • Risk that we are unable to deliver our courses due to technology failure.
  • The risk of our technology failing is low and indeed our delivery to date has not been significantly impacted by technological failure. BARBRI has an IT and development team who consistently maintain and update our proprietary LMS, for any courses which do not exist on our proprietary LMS we use other established systems namely Brightspace D2L for UK courses. Our Chief Learning and Data Officer actively manages the digital solutions to ensure that the systems are up to date to allow minimal downtime for students.

BARBRI has selected and set up its technology in such a way that the risk of any failure is very low. The systems provisioning student management services and learning management technology are cloud based and currently in Microsoft Azure US based data centres. One in the East US and one in the West US. In addition to the high availability offered by cloud products, BARBRI utilizes an Azure SQL solution which "snapshots" data with a view to quickly recovering. This also provisions the ability to run up a second instance for data integrity purposes.

Apart from the BARBRI LMS we also utilize a learning portal which is hosted by D2L, which has a 99.99% guaranteed global uptime for all customers. Should an unlikely event occur where technology fails for a short-period of time, the disruption to student’s learning would be minimal as the majority of learning will be happening on-demand, at a time of the student’s choosing and any live virtual sessions with tutors can be easily rearranged on an individual basis.

If we have students with specific needs or changing circumstances, online learning offers a high level of flexibility and access regardless of location. BARBRI is also committed to the design of all content that ensures that those with additional learning requirements can access the learning and are not at any disadvantage.

  • Risk of being unable to deliver a face-to-face training session due to unforeseen changes in venue.
  • BARBRI has a small number of face-to-face sessions built into its courses. These sessions will either be held at a BARBRI venue or a hired training venue. The risk that we will not be able to deliver these elements of the courses due to any unforeseen late changes in venues is low owing to the due diligence we undertake on the venue owner and the robust agreements we put in place with each external venue we chose to work with. We only select established training venues with proven facilities, access and support arrangements.

In any event, only a small percentage of our student base undertake face-to-face teaching and failure to deliver the face-to-face component (for any reason) will not preclude the student from completing their studies. The face-to-face component can, with the student’s consent, be delivered online and the student’s achievement of the learning outcomes is not contingent on the mode of delivery.

  • Risk of institutional failure due to financial instability.
  • The risk that BARBRI will be unable to continue to operate due to financial limitations is low due to BARBRI’s own financial covenant strength and the parental guarantee from BARBRI Holdings, Inc. that underwrites all activities within BARBRI. BARBRI’s risk management processes and financial monitoring will ensure that the finances of BARBRI are reviewed on a monthly basis at Board level. Financial sustainability will also be independently reviewed as part of the annual audit by GrantThornton.
  • Risk of an international partnership failing and not being able to teach out students.
  • For any partnerships that BARBRI has entered into, or will enter into in the future we will undertake appropriate due diligence to ascertain the level of risk in relying on its support and only proceed to establish a partnership where it is confident that the support is sustainable over the foreseeable future. All partnerships will be supported by legally binding contracts outlining obligations for both parties (including teach out obligations in the event of termination). It is BARBRI’s policy that all of its partnership contracts include suitable teach out provisions to ensure that students can complete their studies even if the partnership is ended (for whatever reason).

Further, for any courses delivered through a partnership agreement with a face-to-face teaching element (typically 5% of the course) the BARBRI learning model allows immediate switch to live online delivery if required. It is BARBRI’s policy to retain the IP within the BARBRI Group that will ensure that we are not reliant on partnerships for content. For these reasons the risk of an international partnership failing and BARBRI not being able to teach out students is low.

Section 2: The measures that you have put in place to mitigate those risks that you consider to be reasonably likely to crystalize

BARBRI does not consider any of the Trigger Events noted in Section 1 to be reasonably likely to crystalize. However, in any event, in this Section, we have noted the mitigations planned or in place against the Trigger Events noted in Section 1.

All risks and actions identified here will be monitored through a robust risk management process already in operation for the BARBRI Group. The Audit Committee has responsibility for oversight for managing risk including those related to the continuation of students’ studies. The Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee can be found in BARBRI’s Corporate Governance Code. As part of the risk management process, BARBRI has an active risk register that is reviewed by the Managing Director and Vice President of Operations on a monthly basis, and by the Board on a quarterly basis (Risk is a standing item on their agenda). The Audit Committee review the Risk Register every six months and highlight any significant risks to the Board. They will request audits and reviews of operational activity if they have any concerns. The Academic Board will also manage any risks relating to academic quality or policy, and will receive regular reports on academic risk as outlined in their Terms of Reference, included within the Corporate Governance Code.

  • The risk of not delivering an advertised course to applicants due to failing to recruit a viable cohort size for a specific intake.
  • We will look to mitigate this low-risk Trigger Event through a targeted and focused sales process and a series of marketing campaigns for our courses. We have already delivered a preparation course for the November 2021 SQE1 for 500+ students, as at the date of this Student Protection Plan (Mar22) we have 730 students preparing for the July 2022 SQE1. BARBRI’s terms and conditions state that BARBRI will inform you as soon as is reasonably practicable, so we would aim to provide at least three weeks’ notice, if a face-to-face element is unable to go ahead. In this situation, BARBRI would try to discuss the best approach with each individual student to see what would be a workable solution to enable them to achieve the same preparation either at a different location, through a different course, or mode of delivery.
  • The risk that we are unable to deliver our courses owing to inability to attract adequate high quality tutors.
  • BARBRI will use the expertise of its Academic team in the UK to attract high calibre teaching resources. BARBRI has an excellent track record of attracting, training and developing legal practitioners of appropriate experience and standing to be lecturers within its blended online / face-to-face courses. BARBRI will look for tutors who have been lawyers in practice to facilitate its courses as well as full time academics. BARBRI already has an employed faculty of 10 tutors who have previously worked within the legal training sector. Additionally BARBRI has a freelance tutor pool of 30+ highly experienced practitioners and tutors of law and legal skills.
  • BARBRI will draw on the expertise of BARBRI Holdings, Inc.’s established Information Technology team to ensure that the systems offer the highest level of stability for students. BARBRI's level of information security and quality standards are based on cloud technology that is GDPR compliant with ISO 27001 standards and PIC security standards. All systems handling and storing data are ISO 27001 compliant (Microsoft Azur, Hubspot, D2L, Salesforce). BARBRI’s business continuity plans describe how BARBRI will continue to operate and the support offered to students in the unlikely event of technology failure. The key points from the business continuity plan are as follows:
  • BARBRI will complete a daily back up on their proprietary LMS to ensure that content and data loss is minimized on our platform.
  • BARBRI will use either D2L’s centrally held daily back up or their cloud-based daily back up to ensure that content and data loss is minimized on that platform.
  • As soon as there are any issues with the technology being unavailable, BARBRI will communicate directly with the students affected to advise them of the issue and likely length of time for resolution.
  • The IT team will also assess the impact on the course and whether any work-around is required whilst the learning portal is unavailable. Much of the work within BARBRI’s courses will be designed for students to undertake flexibly around their work commitments so a short-term loss of technology will have a very limited impact on their progress.
  • If immediate engagement with tutors is required whilst the learning portal is unavailable, the tutors will continue to engage with the students directly via email, phone or Skype/Facetime.
  • If a student’s own technology crashes, they can continue their access to the learning portal via a range of devices, including laptops and smart phones with Internet access. The BARBRI Study Plan App has a feature to allow students to download lectures and other content for use in absence of internet access.
  • Risk of being unable to deliver a face-to-face training session owing to unforeseen changes in venue.
  • BARBRI will work with a small number of agreed and tested training venues to mitigate this risk. It will have formal agreements in place in advance of delivery with each venue. BARBRI will include within its business continuity plan for the course, use of another venue within the same area that could be used should the original venue become unavailable. In the unlikely event of both the venue becoming unavailable and sessions not being able to be rearranged for the same time and similar location, BARBRI will postpone the training to a suitable time and date in the future or offer an online alternative, in each case giving reasonable notice to students. In this case, students may be entitled to compensation in accordance with BARBRI’s Refund and Compensation Policy (attached at Annex 1).
  • Risk of closure and/or institutional failure owing to financial instability.
  • This risk is substantially mitigated by both BARBRI’s own financial standing and the parental guarantee provided by BARBRI Holdings, Inc. BARBRI (previously operating as BARBRI International, Ltd) has a strong record of revenue generation through its delivery of preparation for the US Bar and Qualified Lawyer Transfer Scheme (QLTS) in the UK since 2015. However, as with all providers, an extreme set of events may lead to the prospect of BARBRI being closed or a decision being taken to exit the market. Where this is the case the following measures would be considered to protect students:
  • If immediate engagement with tutors is required whilst the learning portal is unavailable, the tutors will continue to engage with the students directly via email, phone or Skype/Facetime.
  1. It would remain BARBRI’s policy to teach out courses and therefore any closure would be undertaken in a gradual fashion, over a period that would allow current enrolled students to complete their studies at BARBRI.
  2. Where the above is not possible (which is not currently foreseeable), BARBRI would support students to transfer to appropriate courses at other providers and look at financially compensating students where they have suffered demonstrable, material financial loss directly because of BARBRI’s closure (in accordance with the Refund and Compensation Policy attached at Annex 1).
  3. Merging with another institution to maintain all or part of the current provision of existing courses.

Section 3: Information about the policy you have in place to refund tuition fees and other relevant costs to your students and to provide compensation where necessary in the event that you are no longer able to preserve continuation of study

BARBRI has prepared a detailed Refund and Compensation Policy that supports this Student Protection Plan. The Refund and Compensation Policy has been developed in line with sector guidance and best practices. The Policy is annexed to this Plan at Annex 1.

BARBRI’s Refund and Compensation Policy will be sent to students directly as part of the confirmation of their enrolment, it will be on BARBRI’s website and part of the course handbook for each course. BARBRI regards all students equally in terms of how their tuition fees are paid and all would be equally entitled to refunds should BARBRI be unable to preserve continuity of study. The Policy states that should BARBRI be unable to preserve the continuation of study for the student, BARBRI will offer reasonable compensation for additional tutor costs, maintenance costs and lost time due to stopping the course or transferring to another course or provider. Within the Policy, it states that if students incurred costs such as travel or accommodation costs as a result of changed or cancelled face-to-face sessions, BARBRI would be prepared to pay reasonable compensation to affected students who could provide appropriate evidence of the expenditure incurred that was not able to be refunded by the travel or accommodation provider.

Section 4: Information about how you will communicate with students about your student protection plan

We will publicise our Student Protection Plan to current and future students by including the Plan prominently on our website and referring to its location in our course brochures and marketing materials. BARBRI will ensure that all relevant staff are trained as part of their induction into BARBRI to be aware of the Plan and its key provisions. This is especially the case for staff involved in finance and student support. Any decision to close a course will be made by the Board of BARBRI, which will consider the financial and legal implications and consult with the Academic Board. The Course Committee will oversee the appropriateness and ongoing management of any teach-out or transfer arrangements, to ensure that academic standards and the quality of the student learning experience is properly managed. If students are to be affected by the activation of the Plan, all affected students would be contacted promptly in writing to inform them of the issue, and what BARBRI intends to do about it.

The correspondence will include what their options would be, the support available from Student Services and recommendations of independent advice. At the same time, all latest information and updates would also be publicised through BARBRI’s intranet. The information would make clear who to direct any concerns to and would provide information on where you can seek advice and assistance and on how you could provide feedback to us.

On triggering the Plan, we would carry out an Equality Impact Assessment to ensure that we were considering the needs of different groups of students. The Student Protection Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis for the first three years of course operation and then on a three-year basis. Any changes within the Plan will be recommended to the Course Committee for approval.


  1. Purpose
    • The purpose of this Policy is to set out the circumstances in which you may be entitled to apply for a refund of fees, and/or for compensation (including in particular where BARBRI has been unable to preserve continuity of study due to its actions or omissions). This Policy sets out the process for applying for a refund and/or compensation, whilst ensuring BARBRI Global Ltd (“BARBRI”) complies with all legal and accounting regulations. The measures contained in this Policy are in addition to the protection that all students have under consumer protection law, and does not affect your consumer rights.
    • This Policy sets out the process for applying for a refund and/or compensation, whilst ensuring BARBRI Global Ltd (“BARBRI”) complies with all legal and accounting regulations. The measures contained in this Policy are in addition to the protection that all students have under consumer protection law, and does not affect your consumer rights.
    • This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on the BARBRI SQE Prep Course and BARBRI’s Student Protection Plan. It describes scenarios where students might have reason to seek a refund or compensation in particular circumstances.
    • This Policy has the goal to treat students as equal contractual partners, be clear, unambiguous, and respect the balance between each other’s rights and obligations. It is an expression of BARBRI’s good faith and fairness.
    • Capitalised terms used in this Policy shall have the meaning given to them in the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on the BARBRI SQE Prep Course unless the context otherwise requires.
  2. Applicability, eligibility and commitment to teach-out
    • This Policy applies to all students enrolled with BARBRI for a SQE1 prep course or SQE2 prep course (“Course”) irrespective of whether you are in receipt of a student loan, are sponsored, or pay your own fees.
    • BARBRI considers compensation and refunds to be remedies of last resort and it remains committed to supporting all students to continue and complete their Courses. BARBRI will take all steps it can to mitigate the impact on students of any discontinuation of study, such as providing additional learning opportunities or repeating parts of a Course.
    • BARBRI will always endeavour to teach students to the end of their Courses, including in situations where a decision has been taken to close a Course – for further details please see the BARBRI Student Protection Plan.
    • In the unlikely event that BARBRI is no longer able to provide continuation of study for Courses where students have already begun studying, students may make a claim for a refund of tuition fees and compensation where they are required to withdraw from BARBRI. This would apply only in situations where BARBRI is ceasing to deliver a Course before registered students of that Course have completed their studies, and both students and BARBRI have failed to agree on a suitable alternative Course to transfer to at another institution.
    • BARBRI will ensure that plans for closing Courses are communicated as soon as possible to students and appropriate advice and support is provided. These include seeking a suitable alternative Course at BARBRI or a different institution should BARBRI not be able to ‘teach out’ registered students on a Course which is being discontinued.
  3. This Policy will not apply to you if you have had your registration terminated for any of the following reasons:
    • at your request;
    • in the normal completion of your Course; or
    • as a result of student discipline or non-payment of tuition-related fees.
  4. Compensation
    • Should BARBRI be unable to preserve the continuation of study for the student, or where the student has an alternative claim pursuant to the terms of this Policy, BARBRI will put into place a compensation plan which is relevant to the circumstances of the individual student. The level of compensation must be approved by the VP of Operations and BARBRI will have due regard to the principles outlined in this Policy when determining the value of compensation to be paid.
    • In concluding an appropriate compensation plan, BARBRI will consider the provision of the following:
      • tuition fee refunds owed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on the Course;
      • additional costs reasonably incurred by the student as a consequence of a closure of a Course (including additional tuition fees or travel costs) (if applicable);
      • additional costs reasonably incurred by the student as a consequence of a change in Workshop location (including additional travel costs) (if applicable);
      • maintenance costs in respect of lost time, distress and/or inconvenience following a closure of a Course;
      • additional tutor costs; and
      • commitments to honour student bursaries.
    • BARBRI will seek to ensure that any compensation payable to any students under this Policy will be:
      • reasonable;
      • tailored to take into account the needs of different students; and
      • guided by the principles of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.
    • The factors which will be used in assessing claims are whether:
      • BARBRI has followed its own procedures and obligations in delivering the Course (such as quality assurance and communications to students);
      • there has been a demonstrable loss to the student and in particular if the student has been able to achieve the learning outcomes for their Course;
      • the student has been affected in relation to their ability to take the SQE;
      • the student has met their own obligation to mitigate losses;
      • the student took advantage of any reasonable adjustments put in place to mitigate against the loss and consideration of whether the student remained disadvantaged despite the alternative arrangements;
      • if a complaint is made due to disruption to a student’s learning experience beyond the student’s control, BARBRI communicated clearly and consistently with the student throughout the process, making them aware of any changes and how they might affect them; and
      • the student has any outstanding debt with BARBRI and if this will be taken into consideration in any assessment made by BARBRI as to the appropriate refund and/or compensation that may be due to the student.
      • BARBRI may require documentary evidence from a student when assessing what reasonable compensation may be payable.
  5. Deferral/Overpayment
    • If you defer to a later Course, no fee adjustments or refunds will be given. Any fees paid will be carried forward to your deferred Course.
    • Any overpayment of Course fees arising from a deferral (in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on the Course) will automatically be carried forward to the deferred Course. These funds will be used to offset any fee liability upon resumption of studies. If you are paying fees via an instalment plan, then any future unpaid instalments will be transferred to a similar schedule on your deferred Course. You can, however, make a formal application for a refund at the point of deferral if the request is made within 14 days of paying the Enrolment Deposit in accordance with clause 7 of the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on the Course.
  6. Refund in exceptional circumstances
    • BARBRI may consider a refund of tuition fees if a student is subject to exceptional circumstances. BARBRI regards exceptional circumstances to be matters which were unforeseen, manifested after the payment of tuition fees, and which make continuing study impracticable. BARBRI would not normally regard work pressures, or holidays to be exceptional circumstances.
    • By way of example only, bereavement, unexpected personal or family problems or illness might be considered as an exceptional circumstance. Long-term problems such as ongoing financial difficulties may not be accepted as an exceptional circumstance. If you have long-term problems, which affect your studies, you should always let us know. BARBRI may be able to provide some additional support. You may also wish to think about deferring your study in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment on the Course.
    • If you have cancelled or withdrawn from your Course, satisfy the criteria for exceptional circumstances described in paragraphs 1 and 5.2 and are still liable for some or all of the Course fees, you can appeal against these fees using the claim process set out in paragraph 9.

    Should BARBRI change the location of its Courses or face-to-face sessions without adequate notice or within an agreed radius (i.e. three weeks’ notice and five-mile radius), BARBRI will refund reasonable additional travel or accommodation costs. Students need to provide appropriate evidence of the additional expenditure incurred that was not able to be refunded by the travel or accommodation provider.

  8. Refund to sponsored students
    • If you are originally self-funded and subsequently receive sponsorship from an employer that covers payments for all or part of the Course, you may be entitled to a refund of payments you have made.
    • You should email with details of the sponsorship company’s information. The operations team will obtain authorisation from the sponsor and create an invoice. Once BARBRI is in receipt of the full invoice payment from the sponsoring company, then paperwork can be completed for a refund request in accordance with the claims process outlined in paragraph 9
    • If you have secured a training contract with a recognised sponsor and pay the enrolment deposit, you will be entitled to an enrolment deposit refund where the enrolment deposit has been paid by your recognised sponsor. You can email to request the refund. Once all required evidence has been provided by the sponsor, the relevant paperwork will be raised with the supporting documents (see the claims process outlined in paragraph 9 below).
  9. Refunds where a student has a student loan

    If BARBRI has received payment from both you and your loan company, a refund can be requested. You can email to request the refund. Once all required evidence has been provided, the relevant paperwork will be raised with the supporting documents (see the claims process outlined in paragraph 9 below)

  10. Claims process
    • All claims under this Policy should be submitted to
    • Any claims submitted by students under this Policy should:
      • include full details of a student’s claim;
      • confirm that the complaints procedure set out in BARBRI’s Student Complaints Procedure has been exhausted (if applicable);
      • clarify the impact the event has had on them (if applicable); and
      • explain what steps the student has taken to mitigate this (if applicable).
    • No application for a refund of tuition fees will be considered unless a refund application form with supporting documentation has been fully approved and processed by BARBRI in accordance with the terms of this paragraph 9.
    • Upon receipt of a refund application form under this Policy BARBRI will consider the detail of the claim and provide a written response to the student within 15 working days of receipt of the student’s claim.
  11. Claims process
    • If a refund and/or compensation payment is approved in accordance with paragraph 4 above, the payment will be returned to the original payer using the same method of payment as the original remittance whether credit/debit card or BACS payment. This is to ensure that BARBRI complies with anti-money laundering requirements. Once a refund and/or compensation has been approved by BARBRI, please allow 14 working days for the payment to be generated. All refunds will be calculated in UK GBP. BARBRI will not refund any shortfalls due to exchange rate fluctuations or offer compensation for any bank or other charges incurred. Where payment of Course fees was split between more than one payer, any refund due will be made in proportion to the original split.
    • Cash receipts are not accepted, and therefore cash refunds cannot be made.
    • Students will be expected to take reasonable steps to minimise any costs or losses and will not be compensated for costs that they could have avoided or not incurred in situations where BARBRI was unable to provide continuation of study.
  12. Complain
    • If a student is dissatisfied with the application of this Policy, the complaint will be dealt with under BARBRI’s Student Complaints Procedure which sets out the stages to follow to resolve concerns as promptly, fairly, and amicably as possible,
    • If a student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of a claim for a refund or compensation under this Policy having exhausted BARBRI’s Student Complaints Procedure, they may be able to apply for a review of the claim by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (“OIA”). This is an independent review scheme external to and independent of BARBRI’s Student Complaints Procedure.