If you are an overseas-qualified lawyer looking to dual-qualify as a solicitor in England & Wales, there is now a new route to qualification. In 2021 the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) replaced the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) as the main route.
BARBRI has based its SQE Prep courses on the success of the QLTS Prep by BARBRI which mirrors the new assessment style.
Check out this video for a lawyer's perspective on dual qualifying in England & Wales through the SQE.

New route to qualification
For qualified lawyers outside England & Wales, London remains a major centre of activity and the prospect of practising in the UK is an attractive one. This is an opportunity to widen your legal career beyond your jurisdiction, whether you wish to practice locally or abroad.
As a qualified lawyer, you don't have to demonstrate Qualifying Work Experience (QWE), so all you need to do to qualify is to pass the two stages of the SQE and satisfy the character and suitability requirements as set out by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
If you are qualified in certain jurisdictions, you may be eligible for an exemption from part of the SQE. For more information on exemptions and how to apply, please check the SRA website. SQE2 exemptions can be found here.

If you’re ready to expand your legal career, dual qualification could be the answer
Key features for you

A course tailored for you
As technology improves, the way we live our lives is changing rapidly. Every aspect of life is becoming more digital, making remote learning from around the world the norm. The good news is that in recent years BARBRI has been at the forefront of online learning and education technology.
We have designed our courses to prepare you in the most efficient way possible, using our innovative learning technology. Our Intuitive Study Assistant and Coach (ISAAC) is the AI system that drives your course. ISAAC powers your Personal Study Plan (PSP) which sets out exactly what you need to learn and when, allowing you to study efficiently and confidently.
We also offer SQE Foundations, a short course which covers the fundamentals of English and Welsh law, which you can take just before your SQE Prep course to help build confidence. This is particularly useful if you are from a civil law jurisdiction.
SQE Foundations
BARBRI SQE Foundations is short course that can help increase your confidence before undertaking your SQE1 Prep studies. If you have a legal background from a civil law jurisdiction, this will provide you with the fundamentals needed to feel confident before starting your SQE1 Prep course. This is available only with the SQE1 Prep 40-week and 20-week course options.
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Student Stories

Adarsh Saxena
Adarsh is a seasoned commercial disputes lawyer from India.