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Why Use BARBRI Before You Plan to Study for the Bar?
While you'll use most of your BARBRI Bar Review course later, BARBRI 2L/3L Success is a valuable resource you can use immediately. We often hear from students who tell us they wish they had known about BARBRI 2L/3L Success earlier.
Feel Confident + Gain an Advantage
The second and third years of law school welcome you to explore different electives, giving you the freedom and flexibility to choose among multiple practice areas. You’ll find many of these specialized — and often challenging — areas of law covered by 2L/3L Success, including:
Constitutional Law
Criminal Procedure
Family Law
Secured Transactions
What You Get
BARBRI 2L/3L Success gives you access to engaging online, on-demand lectures by renowned experts, focusing on teaching essential topics many students find challenging, such as constitutional law, corporations, criminal procedure, family law, and more.
Plus, for every subject, access course outlines, multiple-choice + essay practice questions track back to each lecture topic so you can apply and assess what you have learned.
Course Features for 2L/3L Law School Success
Expert Lectures
Engaging online, on-demand lectures by world-renowned experts focus on critical rules and elements for each subject. Watch specific topic segments to prepare for class or final exams, or binge-watch an entire subject lecture in a few hours.
Effective Law School Outlines
BARBRI is famous for the quality of our written materials. Save time, absorb knowledge, and fill gaps with ready-to-use 2L/3L Success course outlines for each subject.
Practice Questions + Model Answers
BARBRI 2L/3L Success multiple choice + essay practice questions are based on question types likely to be asked on law school exams. Explanatory answers help you understand why an option is correct or not to build your knowledge.
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