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The last couple of months has probably felt challenging to say the least. With the finish line in sight, you may be feeling everything from excitement to anxiety. Just remember to take a moment to feel proud of the hard work and dedication you’ve put forth as you’ve prepared for your upcoming bar exam.
As the exam nears, you may be wondering if there are any last-minute preparations you can do while you finish your studies. To help you get ready both mentally and physically, we’re sharing a few tips to make your exam day as stress-free as possible.
Continue to follow your PSP
As the bar exam approaches, we’re often asked if there are final study items that should be done. Our advice? Continue to follow your Personal Study Plan in the weeks leading up to the exam. Remember, ISAAC (the engine that runs your BARBRI PSP) is automatically recalibrating as it learns from you, your schedule customizations and time remaining until your exam.
Here are some bar exam study tips for the final push.
Visit your test site (if possible)
If you’re near your bar exam test site, take a quick field trip to check out the testing location. How do you get there and how long will it take (remember to factor in traffic/time of day)? Where should you park (will you need cash or credit to pay for parking)? Is it warm or cold inside the building?
You may not be able to get into the specific testing room but having a general idea of where you’ll be taking the test is helpful. If you can’t go physically, check out the directions, parking and general location online, and re-confirm your itinerary and logistics. You don’t want to get lost the day of the exam or feel like you’re running late because you can’t find parking.
Gather your materials
Make a list of everything you need to bring with you on exam day, including a government-issued photo ID, documents for proof of admission, pens and pencils, medication and even what you’ll be wearing that day. As you’re reviewing your list, gather the items to ensure you have everything you need. If you’re missing any items such as some dependable No. 2 pencils or your favorite snacks, make a trip to the store.
Be sure to check your state’s specific site to see if there are any special dos or don’ts on what you can or cannot bring (for example, some states will require that you bring testing material in Ziploc bags). Your state may also have state-specific documents.
Learn more about the bar exam format and state-specific details.
The night before the exam lay out your clothes (remember to think comfort and layers), ID, car keys, water bottle and everything you’ll be taking with you so it’s all in one place, ready to go in the morning. You’ll be stressed enough the day of the exam, and you don’t need to be hunting for your items as you head out the door.
Take care of yourself
It can be tempting to devote every last minute to studying and reviewing material, but make sure you reserve some time for self-care. Whether that’s grabbing a coffee with your best friend, getting some fresh air with your pup or going to a yoga class, taking a little time to let your brain rest is important.
Self-care is also about getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, practicing positive and confident visualizations, and getting a little movement in. Don’t neglect what you mentally and physically need to squeeze in a few more hours of bar prep. Taking care of yourself so you’re at the top of your game on exam day will be worth it.
These finals self-care tips are just as relevant for bar-exam prep.
We are proud of your hard work and are with you every step of The BARBRI Way. Best of luck on your bar exam — you’ve got this!
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