Navigating the Upside Down – How to Survive 1L

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At Law Preview, we’re big fans of the Netflix series Stranger Things. Haven’t heard of it or seen it? Before you lose all of your free time to study groups and case briefings, I suggest you start binging now. Law school can be a lot like the upside down: dark and scary. Which is why preparing for law school is so important.

We’re here to give you a few tips to help you survive 1L and prepare you for law school success.

Channel Your Inner Barb, Do the Assigned Reading

If there’s one thing you’ll be doing a lot of in law school, it’s reading. Make sure to do all of the assigned reading and do not fall behind. If you do, you may never catch up.

During the course of your 1L year, you will be required to read and brief hundreds of cases. Try to establish a routine early in your first semester. Find a quiet, distraction-free location and do your reading at times of the day when you are most alert.

This summer, focus on improving your reading speed and notetaking skills. You won’t regret it.

Network + Make Friends, Don’t Go Through Mirkwood Alone

You should start networking the day you receive your first acceptance letter. Reach out to fellow students on Top Law Schools, find groups on Facebook and sign up for the upcoming admitted students day.

Making friends is important in law school. You’ll need them for notes/outline sharing, study groups and sometimes even emotional support.

It’s also important to introduce yourself to the people at your school’s office of career services. They will let you know the steps you need to take during law school to get the job you want. Introduce yourself to them, get to know them and lean on them throughout the next three years.

Build Effective Study Habits, Don’t Rely on the Writing on the Wall

This one is crucial. If you don’t have good study habits in law school, you won’t pass your classes. Gone are the days where you can get away with last-minute cramming the night before an exam.

Time management is the key to success in law school. Pace yourself, outline and study throughout the semester to stay on top of course material. The general rule of thumb is to set aside three hours for every hour of class, depending on the class.

Join a study group for extra preparation and accountability.

Get Healthy, Don’t Binge on Eggo Waffles

Law school is stressful and it’ll affect you mentally and physically. Most law students fall into the same cycle: getting no sleep and eating poorly. Don’t do that.

Before starting law school, join a gym, start eating healthy and create a routine. It’s not easy, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you retain more, allow you to pay better attention in class and relieve stress.

Combining effective study habits with a healthy lifestyle will improve your potential for academic success.

Prepare This Summer, Defeat the Demagorgon, Conquer 1L

I know we’ve said this before, but we’ll say it again: first year grades matter most. Preparing for law school over the summer is the best way to make sure you’re ready for the challenges ahead.

At Law Preview, our courses are built to help you conquer law school. We cover everything from core 1L material to achieving academic success throughout law school. Dedicate one week this summer to preparing for the rest of your career.

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