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Winter Break is Officially Over
Classes have begun and calendars are again filling with hefty readings, assignments, meeting requests, extracurriculars and more. Allowing yourself the time to slowly reacclimate to the pressures of law school is not really an option. So to help you ease back into the chaos of law school, here are a few reminders and tips to get you organized and finding your zen (as much as possible).
Grab Your Agenda
Begin to schedule everything you need to do from textbook shopping to course readings. If you had a calendar system you loved last semester, stick to it. If you need a new one, don’t be afraid to ask your classmates what worked best for them. But make sure you find a system that will offer you the ability to include concrete tasks, timelines and deadlines. Finding the right system will help you stay collected and on track and reduce distractions.
Adjust Your Alarm
It’s always tempting to press snooze once, twice or until you realize you’re late. But don’t do it. Set up your alarm in a way that you’ll get out of bed the first time (a funky tune, lights that turn on, an alarm blaring from across the room). It’s not worth the risk and stress of running late for that first class of the semester or having to skip your morning cup of coffee. Plus, hitting snooze can actually make you drowsier.
Don’t Forget Your Health
Head to the gym, get some fresh air, stock up on healthy foods to boost your immune system and drink a lot of water to give your brain the fuel it needs. Remember that stress is a key contributor to illness, so find ways to keep your calm.
Frequent Campus, if Possible
Or the library, your local coffee shop or somewhere lively to get you back into the groove of the semester. Being around people and the buzz of law school can serve as a reality check to bring you into focus again.
Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize!
The first week back can feel rough. You have all new classes, readings to complete, board meetings, events, journal assignments and possibly interviews. To ensure a smooth start to the semester, prioritize your classes, interviews and pressing group commitments over more routine meetings and events. Review what’s important and make sure you’re fitting in the big-ticket items, first and foremost.
Good luck with the new semester. We know you’re going to do great!
Should you need some extra help, here’s who to turn to for getting back in the mindset. Your BARBRI Director of Legal Education has you covered as well. Your success is their top priority.
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