
Course Details

This CLE course will focus on the issues family law counsel must consider when a client receives social security income (SSI) or social security disability income (SSDI). The panel will discuss considerations when calculating alimony and child support and best practices for structuring the divorce agreement to preserve benefits.



When a divorce client receives SSI or SSDI, complex issues arise that can impact settlement or adjudication of spousal and child support. Counsel must understand how to navigate the maze of SSI and SSDI rules to effectively represent his client.

Practitioners must consider the potential impact of alimony on SSI or SSDI benefits. Counsel should understand how SSI or SSDI may affect child support calculations and be aware of derivative benefits.

Listen as our authoritative panel of family law practitioners discusses the differences between SSI and SSDI, how alimony may affect these benefits, the ways receipt of SSI and SSDI may impact support calculations, and information to use in negotiating or arguing for or against support.


  1. Explanation of social security benefits
  2. Derivative benefits
  3. Ways to structure alimony and child support considering SSI and SSDI issues
  4. Discovering and using information on SSI and SSDI application forms
  5. Structuring the settlement agreement


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • How can the receipt of SSI or SSDI affect spousal maintenance and child support determinations?
  • How can the receipt of alimony impact SSI and SSDI benefits?
  • In what way can the information found on SSI and SSDI application forms be used in arguing for or against support?