
Course Details

This CLE/CPE webinar will provide renewable energy counsel guidance on the legal and tax challenges for foreign investors in U.S. renewable energy projects. The panel will discuss deal structures and key provisions, applicable U.S. tax law and IRS regulations impacting foreign investors, legal requirements, and processes to maximize benefits and limit liability. The panel will also provide insights on other key legal considerations and planning strategies for foreign investors associated with U.S. renewable energy development and financing.



The U.S. has been increasing in popularity as a destination for foreign capital investments in U.S. renewable energy projects. Critical for attorneys representing U.S. renewable energy projects or non-U.S. persons investing in U.S. renewable energy projects and related entities, is a complete understanding of optimal structures for the ownership vehicle and the mechanics of the transaction itself.

Energy counsel must have a complete understanding of various opportunities and pitfalls in structuring the investment transaction, such as 1.) utilizing special purpose vehicles (SPV) for renewable energy projects; 2.) key issues when accepting foreign investors; 3.) income and transfer tax implications; 4.) exit strategy issues relating to foreign investors; 5.) compliance and reporting requirements; and other key items.

Listen as our panel of renewable energy attorneys goes beyond the basics to provide a comprehensive and practical guide to structuring foreign investment in U.S. renewable energy project development.


  1. Structuring SPVs for energy projects
  2. Applicable rules and key considerations for foreign investors
  3. Investment structure alternatives
  4. Tax implications


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • What are the key considerations in structuring investments in renewable energy projects?
  • What are the potential legal and tax implications for foreign investors?
  • What is the impact of blocker corporations and other intermediary entities on the tax treatment of foreign investment in U.S. renewable energy?
  • What methods are available to counsel to ensure compliance with U.S. and foreign reporting requirements?

NASBA Details

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify various ownership structures and related tax consequences for foreign investors in U.S. renewable energy
  • Determine the optimal purchasing entity for a foreign investor in U.S. renewable energy projects
  • Ascertain tax planning opportunities in structuring a deal involving foreign investment in U.S. business entities

Strafford Publications, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE Credits. Complaints regarding registered sponsons may be submitted to NASBA through its website:

IRS Approved Provider

Strafford is an IRS-approved continuing education provider offering certified courses for Enrolled Agents (EA) and Tax Return Preparers (RTRP).